

Periodontics is the speciality of dentistry that is responsible for the study, prevention and treatment of pathologies that affect the tissues that surround the tooth: gums, periodontal ligament, and bone.

If not treated these diseases progressively lead to the loss of teeth, as well as various conditions in our body. For this reason, maintenance, and control of healthy gums by highly qualified dental personnel is of vital importance.

Types of periodontal diseases

  • Gingivitis or initial phase of periodontal disease

    It is caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque that adheres to the teeth. If not removed correctly, it becomes tartar causing inflammation of the gums. It is a reversible pathology, but if not treated it progresses to periodontitis.

  • Periodontitis

    Or advanced, irreversible phase of periodontal disease, being the main cause of tooth loss in adult patients.

Risk factors for periodontal disease

  • Lifestyle

    Consumption of inadequate food, lack of exercise, consumption of alcohol and other substances.

  • Tobacco

    Main risk factor that directly affects the progression of the disease and interferes with the healing of the gums.

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Inadequate oral hygiene

Periodontal disease and pregnancy

It is a very common pathology during pregnancy. The signs of the disease usually appear during the second month of gestation.

These oral problems have been linked in several studies to the premature birth of babies, as well as low birth weight. Pregnant women are advised to be controlled under the supervision of a dentist to control periodontal disease to reduce the risk of prenatal and postnatal complications.

Systemic diseases and their relationship with periodontal disease

After multiple studies that have revealed the existing association between periodontal disease and systemic diseases, we insist on the review, control, and treatment to prevent pathologies such:

  • Diabetes mellitus: the periodontal disease destabilizes blood glucose.

  • Respiratory conditions: copd, bacterial pneumonia, bronchitis, and lung abscesses.

  • Cardiovascular disorder: bacterial endocarditis, myocardial infarction, thrombosis, coronary insufficiency.

Treatment of periodontal diseases

It varies depending on the progression of the disease. The evaluation and treatment plan should always be carried out by a dentist.

  • Initial state: professional prophylaxis

    Eliminates bacteria accumulates on teeth.

  • Advanced phase: periodontal surgery

    When the periodontal pockets are too deep or when the gums are very retracted, grafts are made to cover the part of soft tissue that has been lost.

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