

Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that treats the pathology of the dental pulp and the tissues that exist around the root of the tooth. Its purpose is to preserve the health and integrity of the dental piece to maintain the natural dentition; the bone and the gingiva that surround it, as well as its functionality. Endodontic treatments must be performed by an expert – Endodontic Dentist (Endodontist) who possesses the knowledge and cutting-edge technical means to carry out any type of treatment within the field of Endodontics. In the dental unit of Hospital Dr Lopez Cano, we have a high-quality team in TAC / CBCT radiodiagnosis that allows us to study dental roots exhaustively and we also have rotating material and hot obturation systems providing greater quality and ease to endodontic treatments.

When is endodontic treatment required?

When the dental pulp (known as the “tooth nerve”) becomes inflamed or undergoes an infectious process caused by deep caries, trauma or other processes that may affect the viability of the pulp. The symptoms that indicate that a dental piece may require a root canal are pain, sensitivity to cold or heat, a change in tooth color, phlegmon or fistula.

There are times that a dental piece requires endodontic treatment but there are no symptoms, or they may also be recommended for those teeth that require dental grinding for the subsequent placement of crowns or fixed bridges.

How is an endodontic performed?

  • Comprehensive clinical and radiographical examination by a specialist in Endodontics

  • Local anesthesia: these treatments are usually painless.

  • Placement of a rubber dam to isolate the tooth and keep it clean and without contact with saliva throughout the treatment.

  • Cleaning the root canals.

  • Sealing of root canals with a biocompatible material.

  • Restoration of the dental piece.

Types of endodontic treatments

  • Uniradicular endodontics

    Dental pieces with a single root canal, generally the incisors and canines. Although generally the lower incisors and canines usually have two root canals.

  • Biradicular endodontics

    Treatment carried out on teeth that have two root canals. As for example, premolars.

  • Multiradicular endodontics

    It is carried out on molars, since they can have three, four or even five root canals.

  • Re-endodontics

    This treatment is performed on those dental pieces that have previously had an endodontic treatment but that for different reasons are reinfected again, causing an infectious process that may or may not cause pain / discomfort in the affected part / area.

  • Periapical surgery

    It is indicated in those cases in which prior endodontics of the dental piece, the ends of the tooth must be surgically accessed to solve the pathology it present.

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